Schoolwide Learner Outcomes



  1. Spiritual Growing Individuals Who:
    1. have heard and responded to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
    2. look to God and His Word daily as the source of truth
    3. recognize God’s love, will, and authority in their lives
    4. pray daily
    5. are able to share their faith   
  1. Self-Directed Workers Who:
    1. access information effectively from a variety of resources 
    2. accept personal responsibility in the learning process
    3. demonstrate organizational and time management skills
    4. are resourceful and creative

Critical Thinkers Who:

Effective Communicators Who: 

  1. investigate meaning beyond the obvious
  2. recognize and solve problems logically and creatively
  3. demonstrate problem solving skills in real life situations
  1. read, write, speak, and listen reflectively
  2. research, document, and express thoughts clearly
  3. demonstrate competence in computer technology skills
  4. express themselves in art, music, and drama



  1. Healthy Individuals Who:
    1. are physically active
    2. make nutritious food choices
  1. Community Participants Who:
    1. work collaboratively
    2. model responsible citizenship with compassion and integrity
    3. function effectively as members of team
    4. work with others to resolve conflicts 
    5. appreciate the concept of unity through diversity