Kindergarten Registration
If your child turns five years old by September 1, you may wish to consider sending him/her to PCS Kindergarten.
A registration fee is required along with all required paperwork (Registration is now done online). Your registration fee and paperwork do not guarantee your child's eligibility for entrance.
Mrs. Calderwood will begin testing in March. If it is determined that your child requires another year of preschool, the registration fee will be applied toward tuition. Please see Mrs. Calderwood if you have any questions.
A registration fee is required along with all required paperwork (Registration is now done online). Your registration fee and paperwork do not guarantee your child's eligibility for entrance.
Mrs. Calderwood will begin testing in March. If it is determined that your child requires another year of preschool, the registration fee will be applied toward tuition. Please see Mrs. Calderwood if you have any questions.
Pre-K Testing
Beginning in March, Mrs. Wittlieb and Mrs. Calderwood will begin testing children who are registered to attend Kindergarten at PCS. Testing will begin with the oldest students in Class 8 and work backward to Class 3. This allows for the younger children to have some extra time for development. Children who will not attend PCS may still be tested if it is scheduled with Mrs. Wittlieb or Mrs. Calderwood for a fee of $45.
It is very important to understand that when we look at a child to determine if he or she is ready, we are looking at the child's whole development. This includes academics, social, emotional, and small and large motor development.
Just as it is not possible to hurry a baby to walk, it is also not possible nor healthy to hurry your child by "drilling them." We have seen many children struggle later in school because they were not ready in all kindergarten areas.
Parents, do not tell your child that they will be tested. Many children sense their parent's anxiety and freeze when it is time for their evaluation.
On the day your child is tested, Mrs. Wittlieb or Mrs. Calderwood will tell them that they "get to come to her office to play some number and letter games." The children who are not pressured look forward to this "treat" and begin to ask when it is their turn. After your child is evaluated, Mrs. Wittlieb will let you know the results within a few days. Thank you.
It is very important to understand that when we look at a child to determine if he or she is ready, we are looking at the child's whole development. This includes academics, social, emotional, and small and large motor development.
Just as it is not possible to hurry a baby to walk, it is also not possible nor healthy to hurry your child by "drilling them." We have seen many children struggle later in school because they were not ready in all kindergarten areas.
Parents, do not tell your child that they will be tested. Many children sense their parent's anxiety and freeze when it is time for their evaluation.
On the day your child is tested, Mrs. Wittlieb or Mrs. Calderwood will tell them that they "get to come to her office to play some number and letter games." The children who are not pressured look forward to this "treat" and begin to ask when it is their turn. After your child is evaluated, Mrs. Wittlieb will let you know the results within a few days. Thank you.